The Fez
About The Fez
The Fez is the ancient and modern national headdress of the Moabites / Moors. The Fez is a brimless headdress — most commonly produced in scarlet red with an ebony / black tassel. The red Fez is matched by the red field displayed in the Moorish National Standard [flag]. The Fez is also produced in black, white and other color variations — indicating other meanings, social order positions, etc.
The Black Fez is the highest Degree. It is worn by the MUFTI or Mohammedan Judge (Moorish United Front Towards Islam) — Enforcement and Security. The one who wears it symbolizes that he / she knows Law In Full, and is able to defend it, including knowledge of Martial Arts (Defense physically and spiritually), likened to the Martial Arts Degree of the Black Belt.
The Fez is worn as a symbol of the womb. The top of it has a nipple shape that symbolizes the navel. The strands of the tassel are 360º, as in 360º degrees of knowledge. The tassel is not pinned down as it is in the secret societies. Properly, the free flowing tassel is indicative of one who is born of the womb, endowed with and aspiring to and beyond 360 degrees of knowledge. They navigate upon the earth and their potential is not limited, not pinned down, or kept secret, however it is sacred. The 4 sets of air holes are equal to the number of wombman — 9, and add to 13, the number of times a woman cycles per year, which is in tune with the cycle of the Moon.
The following is an explanation, found in "Lesson Book Number1", written by Taj Tarik Bey of the Moors Order Of The Roundtable:
Fez: The National Headdress of the Asiatic Moorish Nation Of North, South and Central Al Morocs (Americas), including the adjoining Islands
The Fez is typically of red felt, with an indigo black tassel. The Fez is the Headdress of the Ancient Ones - The Moabite/ Moors - also spelled - Muur. It is geometrically formed to represent the eternal Zodiac. The BODY at the FEZ symbolizes the WOMB of the COSMOS and the WOMB of WOMAN - MOTHER. The 1 inch FINIAL which extends out of the center of the FEZ is the NUMBER 1 and the 9th letter in the Phonetic Moorish alphabet -- I. This also symbolizes the NAVEL (Eye).
The cord extending from the I (Eye) symbolizes the Universal Umbilical Cord of Universal Life and represents the Oneness of all life. It also represents the tie to the source of Humanity - ZUDIACUS - the FIRST WOMAN..
The Circular (round) ball of the tassel represents the MUNDANE CIRCLE or EARTH. The cord wrapped about the tassel strands, hold the form of the Circle arid represent the Unity of Life through the Zodiac Constitution of Humanity. It also represents the Cyclical and reciprocal nature of Life.
The STRANDS of the TASSEL represent the 360 DEGREES of the ZODIAC. The highest LAW arid AUTHORITY in CIVILIZATION. The ZODIAC CROWN OF LIGHT the National Headdress of the MOTHERS and FATHERS of the HUMAN FAMILY FOUNDERS of CIVILIZATION, AND MASTERS of the COSMOS SCIENCE. 3RD 33RD AND 360 Degree MASTER MASONS and EASTERN STARS. This is a part of the hidden truth which has been buried in the dark corner of the NORTH GATE.
The FEZ - symbol of the Eternal Zodiac is also called a tarbush, a Tiara, a Corona Sol and other names, which describe its Royal Status.
The Wearing of the Fez Regarding Masons of Clandestine Orders: Fez is also the name of the Old Moorish Capitolium and City which, is located in northeast Morocco. Morocco, Moroccan and Moors are one and the same pedigree and peoples. American is a dialectical corruption of the name. Al Moroccan, which means descendant or descendants of Moroccan. The lack of consciousness of law and history, on the part of any so-called negro / black Mason, concerning the ancient history of the Americas, has stagnated or retarded their ability to see through the veil of their own “hoodwinking”. Is Fez, the city in Europe? Is the Fez the national headdress of Europeans or is the Fez the national headdress of Moors? Who is wearing the Fez only by ritual, and who should be wearing the Fez by right of natural dress and culture? Who is who in this great controversy of who is worthy to wear the Fez and who is not? Who is honoring their ancient Mothers and Fathers, and who is not? Who is denying connection to Ruth the Moabitess and who is not, by way of recognizing or not recognizing the origins of the great philosophies and wisdom found in the halls of learning called Masonry?
Masonry is a system of disciplined learning. Moor is the pedigree and nationality of the direct descendants of the founders of Civilization and the Ancient High Science, culture, Gnosticism, Cosmology, Alchemy, Geometry, Algebra, Numerology, Astrology, Architecture, Mathematics, and Philosophies, etc., from which Masonry draws its wealth of knowledge, etc. Thus, Masonry is the High Culture Esoteric and Gnostic system of learning Moorish History, Science and Culture, literally and factually, which was forced underground and veiled in allegorical stories, mysticism, signs, and symbols, etc.
The word “clandestine” is an adjective, meaning secret; concealed; sly; underhanded; surreptitious [accomplished by improper means or by stealth] as a clandestine plan or act; seeking a benefit with fair, just or proper compensation, participation or input, etc. Synonyms of the word, clandestine, include hidden, furtive, covert, etc. Clandestine is derived from the Old Moabite / Moorish Latin word, clandestinus.