What is Next For Those Traumatized By Administrative Justice? The Future is Still Bright and Guided By Blockchain Technology! Here What is Next!
Why a Centralized Token Platform Is Vuneralble and A Decentralized One, Not So Much?
The Fishing Game in Administrative Agencies Has A Big Catch!
Why Include Civil Forfeiture when the So-Called Victims Need Restitution? Isnt that a conflicting message?
Here We Go Again! Oldest Tricks are the Best Tricks.
Again!! Revisiting Wire Fraud With The Element of Aiding and Abetting Added. Excerpts From A Hearing
People! See what is really going on with the Economy, SEC, Congress, and BlockChain Technology
For Judicial Notice: A Video is Worth A Million Documents!
Nobodys April Fool
What You Don't Know Can Really Hurt You! Usurping Your Civil Liberties Through Policy Language.
"Believe Half Of What You See and None Of What You Hear."
Happy VETERANS DAY yesterday, today, EVERDAY!!!Thank you!!
What's Law Got To Do With It? Criminal or Commercial Jurisdiction. Make Up Our Minds!?!
Consent of the Governed, What Does It Mean To Hold Public Officials Accountable?